The P727 Movement has a Challenge Coming Up Soon!
More Details to Come.   Sign-up to be on our Waitlist!

Do you feel like you are struggling to take control of your finances?
Are you living paycheck to paycheck, and feel there must be a better way?

Yes, please sign me up for the waitlist

What is important to you?
What are your priorities in life??
Where should your time be spent???

Time is your most valuable asset!  Your quality time should be spent in the right priorities, in Your Calling or Purpose, with Your Family, in your ministry, passions, and desires in life!
You should not be limited by time and money.  You should not be dependent on your job to pay your bills.  You should be able to "Choose" to work because you want to, NOT because you have to!
It's time to leave those long working hours and live Your Life, once again... live a Life of Significance! 


Have you tried on your own in the past, paid for books and courses, and signed up for different programs? If you are still in the same place, it's time to Think Differently!
Learn the Proven Steps that get Results from this Content-Packed Accelerated Training!

Welcome to the P727 Movement!

Donald J. Dy

Intentional Wealth Strategist
Founder of the P727 Movement  

What is the P727 Movement?

I believe you can live the life you were born to live!

I believe that you are born to live a life impacting other lives, whether it is your family, your spouse, your children, or other people in your life.
Our limitation is resources in the form of time and money.
If you had unlimited time and money, how would you live your life?
What would you do differently?
How fulfilling would that be?

If you had a Success Path to follow to reach a life of financial independence, not dependent on your job, then you would buy yourself back time!
Financial Independence is NOT about money... 
it is about having choices in life, not limited by time or money.

The P727 Movement is taking the "Journey" to financial independence by first reaching your first Million dollars, studying the journey, and... 
being capable of reproducing it at any given time, in any country! 
This movement is for everyone that believes that this journey can happen for them
and wants to be in a community of like-minded family members
that will support and walk that journey with you! 

The P727 Movement provides the framework for the 
Success Path of this "Journey" to 7 digits!

What does P727 stand for?

"P727" stands for "Prosperity - 7 Stages to 7 Digits"

This is the Success Path and framework to be able to go
from 0 Digits (from nothing, no money, no job, no assets)
to 7 Digits (one Million dollars).

Dear Fellow Employees,

Is something telling you that it is time for a change?

Did you do what your parents, teachers, and managers told you to do but realize you are not where you want to be right now?  Have you built your career, climbed the corporate ladder, growing at first and now you peaked?  Have you successfully received salary increases and promotions but realize you are just working harder and spending less time with your family?  Are you searching for something new or a different direction?  You know you have more to give, more to learn, but you feel stuck?


I was there too and many others!  It's scary to make a major career change without thinking about the impact on your family and not knowing if you are putting your family at risk financially for potentially a much better way of life.  

All thing are possible if you put your MIND to it, have a well thought out PLAN, and COMMIT!  You already know this because this is what you have successfully done for your company's shareholders.  Your experience and track record is all you need.  Use the same concepts you were paid to do but this time do it for YOU, for YOUR LIFE, and most importantly, for YOUR FAMILY! Once you know what you want to do, understand how to get there strategically, and have a plan in your hand to execute, your confidence will come back, and you will SUCCEED just as you have done in the corporate world.  This time, instead of the company telling you what your priorities are, you will be decide where YOUR priorities are in life!

It's time to transform your life:
1. From being nervous and cautious to Confident and Anxious to move forward
2. From being scared to take a chance to Excited about Taking Action and moving forward once again
3. From doubting whether you can still provide for your family if you change career to knowing you can live a Life of Significance
4. From feeling burned out and tired to Excited and Energized each day when you wake up
5. From feeling "There's got to be something more in life" to Living a Life worth living for! 

My name is Donald J. Dy, Founder of the P727 Movement, an accomplished Intentional Wealth Strategist, with a long track record of impacting lives for 3 decades! 

I have been formally mentoring individuals since 1992 when learning "how" was by doing.  We did not have the internet.  Information was not readily available as it is today with the internet, cell phones, apps, and technology.  I learned the hard way, through sweat and tears, long days, trial and error, many successes, many failures, and many, many courses, training, and programs.  I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for to learn.  I am grateful for being blessed to have had many professional and personal mentors in my life since I was 18 years old.  Those relationships have blessed me with many opportunities and opened many doors for me.  I have paid my "tuition" to learn and grow, both monetarily and through hard work.  I have learned to pay forward and am passionate about giving those same blessings and opportunities to others.  I believe that those same opportunities I was blessed with should be given to every person! 

The key is that successful individuals recognize the opportunity and takes action!

I have had the privilege to teach, train, mentor, and coach individuals through the same successes I had and, more importantly, the failures I learned from.  I have to have a long historical track record of witnessing ordinary individuals becoming successful leaders in various industries in today's society and go from living paycheck to paycheck to financial independence. 

I am on a mission to IMPACT LIVES! I want to impact YOUR LIFE!  I want to change the course of your future!  I believe that YOU are "Called" for a specific purpose in your life.  Your purpose in life is much more significant and much greater than you can imagine!  I believe that with the right resources and the right people at the right time, you can live a FULFILLED LIFE of significance, abundance and prosperity! 

I believe YOU are "Called" for a higher and larger purpose in YOUR LIFE and NOW is YOUR TIME to step into YOUR JOURNEY!  I believe I am "Called" to help you in your journey so you can pursue what you are "Called" to do and live to YOUR POTENTIAL!

Come join me in the P727 Movement and make significant impact in people's lives and let me serve you so you can serve others!

In Your Service,
Donald J. Dy
Intentional Wealth Strategist
Founder of the P727 Movement 
"Donald is a visionary leader who has an uncanny focus on getting results not only in his business ventures but also his personal life. I learned a lot from Donald, the most important lesson is to have a goal and vision for our careers and life. Donald is a great strategist."
- A.S. from Arkansas
"He was an outstanding mentor and practiced what he preached. His diverse background along with his high level of integrity created a positive culture around Donald."
- L.P. from Texas
"I would highly recommend anybody to have at least a five minute conversation to have the chance to hear his strategies and knowledge on various topics and you will be a believer."
- M.R. from Arizona
"Of all the ones I have had the pleasure of working with, none have had the impact on my life and career that Donald has. Anyone having the opportunity to work with Donald will be a better individual for it."
- G.C. from Missouri
"Donald always took the time to work with me individually (and our group corporately) to explain the importance of setting goals and "raising the bar higher" with respect to personal achievements."
- K.T. from Arkansas
"Donald is a very motivated individual, yet very creative in finding solutions/strategic initiatives to satisfy all stakeholders."
- Z.P. from Missouri
"Donald is very passionate and committed to his goals. He has invested time and effort to learn from the best in the fields, and put the knowledge into action. As a result, he has achieved incredible success. I consider Donald one of my mentor in the real estate world. On a personal level, he always offers knowledge I can use." 
- R.Y. from Arizona
"Donald has served as a Real Estate Investing Mentor to my husband and me for the last 7 months. During that time, I've learned that he is an excellent teacher who is very well versed in goal setting, personal finance, and real estate acquisition. Donald is an out-of-the-box thinker who enjoys a challenge and can always find a solution to meet the needs of his clients. I recommend Donald as a mentor to anyone looking to develop an investment strategy." 
- J.A. from Texas
"Donald has been inspirational to my personal finance "game plan" since the 1990's. I consider him my most trusted mentor. He opened my eyes to the fact that anyone can author their financial destiny through goal setting, developing strategies, and execution. He is living proof that it is possible to dream big and achieve success while staying true to his overarching dedication to philanthropy. The wealth of information, advice, and inspiration he has returned to his clients and circle of influence is immeasurable." 
- E.B. from North Carolina
"Donald has a combinaton of great qualities that make him an outstanding person. To name a few qualities, he strives to find ways to help people in need and has an uncanny ability to look at all angles of a situation, all the while working calmly under pressure. One of his greatest assets is his business and real estate wisdom." 
- B.J. from California
"Donald has worked with me to open my mind to personal financial opportunities. We have spent many hours discussing creative methods of growing a real estate portfolio which combines both short and long term goals to financial freedom and wealth accumulation. I only wish that I had met him sooner and acted quicker. He continues to mentor a growing group of people focusing on individual strategies tailored to their overall needs and goals.
Donald's guidance and insight as well as intense care for the people he works with creates very long days for him with limited sleep but, he is always very positive and upbeat. You can tell that he sincerely enjoys helping other people see opportunities to get out of the rat race and build and execute a healthy financial plan. He is an intensely knowledgeable coach - I recommend everyone to tap into his intelligence and let him help you become financially comfortable and wealthy in the years to come." 
- R.C. from Arkansas
"He possesses a high level of business acumen and a deep knowledge of financial statements, managing budgets and other related criteria." 
- P.H. from Arizona - All Rights Reserved- 

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